Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Your coronation, Billary, will happen at a date to be announced by the people.

You talkin' to ME, little people?


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Eeeeek..for God's sake, don't foist her off on us!


piktor said...

Shrinky, Uncle Winnie is sending her back from whence she came, whith tail between her legs.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh no!

(Whispers - she's burning in hell??)

piktor said...

No, she's crying for her Argentina, er...country and reaping the rewards!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

So cynically true. Paid off though. We girlies have a few cards up our sleeve. Grin.

Enemy of the Republic said...

That is awesome!