I don't know the challenge you participated in, so I view this as a stand alone piece. Never has Queen Lizzie looked so glamorous, with all these thoughts sparking around in her head, your subject is at least delightfully wearing herself out in style.
BTW -Don't you just love these considerate folk who come all the way over, not to actually view your work, but to offer such helpful, uninvited investment advice? Bet that made your day?
For any and all priggish grammar buffs, do not let my use of prepositions and dangling participles shock you. I have this Churchillian nugget for thee: "This is the sort of pedantry up with I will not put." Amen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fug //[fuhg] –noun: stale air, esp. the humid, warm, ill-smelling air of a crowded room, kitchen, etc.
[Origin: 1885–90; of obscure orig.; cf. earlier Brit. slang fogo stench]
Long time no see, so I'm so happy you participated our new challenge.
This work is stunning, so guaranteed Piktor quality. Great interpretation for the challenge.
What a talent! This is awesome!
OMG this is very impressive. Stunning creation. This rock.
Oh boy, what a impressive creation! Very different and unique, I think.
special, nicely taken, I like it:)
very incredible collage !!!
I don't know the challenge you participated in, so I view this as a stand alone piece. Never has Queen Lizzie looked so glamorous, with all these thoughts sparking around in her head, your subject is at least delightfully wearing herself out in style.
BTW -Don't you just love these considerate folk who come all the way over, not to actually view your work, but to offer such helpful, uninvited investment advice? Bet that made your day?
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