Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Go to Collage Obsession to see links to other entries


Lori Saul said...

A very beautiful and original collage composition -stunning in detail and design!

Shrinky said...

Ah, this is a nod to the recent Chinese New Year? What a story this depicts.. the siluetted figure magically conjuring a firework display, as he silmutaniously touches his hand to the immodestly cloaked maiden, thus (somehow) unleashing a dragon to rise up.. or, um, maybe I'm simply reading in far too much (shrug)?

No matter, I do so love how you fire the imagination!

Anonymous said...

I agree...there is so much to see here. The difference in colors makes those elements pop off the page. I really like it very much!

*itKuPiLLi* said...

This is stunning and so much to see. Most of all I love the deep blue water. Very creative collage.

Anonymous said...

we´ve just opened a space for those who like to spend time being creative and meeting people with same interests while visiting a different country: a residence for illustrators and crafters in Spain
we hope you like it!
We will keep updating the site with news!

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